Showing posts with label MLM Marketing Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MLM Marketing Tips. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9, 2019

How to Build a Network Marketing MLM Business Quickly

If you are new to MLM, you are probably wondering how to succeed in your network marketing business.

Before we get into some network marketing tips, understand that there is a learning curve to network  marketing. It’s just like anything new that you put your time into.

It takes time and patience but MLM is so worth it as a way to increase your income.

The fastest way to grow your network marketing business is to find quality people to talk to and share your business with.

Today I have 3 MLM tips to help you get results fast.

MLM Tip 1 – Use Traditional Offline Marketing
You MLM sponsor may have told you to make a list of your warm marketing contacts. I bet you just cringed when you heard that!

Guess what?

That still works and it’s a way to talk to a lot of people fast about your network marketing business.

Sure it’s a bit labor intensive, but you want to build your MLM business fast? Right?

Most successful network marketers start out talking to their warm market.  The great thing about approaching your warm market is that they already know, like and trust you!

If you were to start out approaching your cold market, these are people who don’t even know you. Why would they trust you.

By talking to your warm market about your network marketing business, you are getting practice and learning how to deliver information in a positive way. That right there will set you up for success when you start approaching your cold market.

The key to talking to your warm market or any person is to not take it personally if they don’t join your business.

Be committed to the process and not the result. That’s how you will eventually build your network marketing business fast!

If you are only focused on the result, you might end up nagging the same few people over and over.

NO! Use this opportunity as a way to educate others on your products and business so you can effectively present your business to your cold market.

MLM Tip 2 – Get Referrals
We are not in the convincing business. One way to build your MLM business quickly is through referral marketing. That’s a fancy term for getting referrals from your warm market.

You will get a lot of NO’s in this business but don’t let that dissuade you from building a success network marketing business.

If they say NO, don’t try to convince. Believe me, I’ve been there and those people that I “convinced” to join my MLM team did absolutely nothing!

You want people who really want to build a successful network marketing business.

When you hear that NO don’t take it as a rejection. Just ask the next question: Do you know anyone who might be interested in this product or opportunity?

That is how you can get some referrals.  There are many ways you can approach this based on the nature of your MLM business.

For example, if you are in a health related network marketing business, you could say:

Do you know anyone who wants to lose weight and get in shape?

Or, Do you know anyone who wants to learn how to make some extra money?

It’s that simple. Get the referrals to help you build your MLM business fast!

I get pitched from family and friends on a variety of products and business opportunities. I usually decline but take the time to learn about their offer.


If I know someone who is looking for that type of product, I am happy to refer them.

MLM Tip 3 – Use Attraction Marketing Online
While traditional methods work to grow your network marketing business, using attraction marketing online is the best way to get even faster results.

Eventually, you will run out of your warm market. To succeed in network marketing, you need a consistent flow of people to talk to.

How do you do that?

You grow your MLM team with online attraction marketing. I was amazed at how fast my MLM business grew once I was able to present to massive numbers of people online.

Here’s the deal.

If you do network marketing online the right way, prospects will come to you! It’s true. That’s exactly what happened to me.

I was able to grow my network marketing business fast because I had new customers and leads coming to me daily.

There are many ways to build your MLM business online using attraction marketing.

But the important thing is to get started!

- BY 

Monday, June 3, 2019

Tips to Make Money in MLM Network Marketing

Making money in network marketing is simple, it’s just not easy!

You can follow some simple tips consistently to build your business into a successful profit maker. These are the same things that I did when I started my business part time.

1 – Stick to Money Making Activities
How you spend your time is crucial to your success in any home business. I talk to people all the time who tell me they are super busy but not making any money.

I always ask exactly what activities they are doing.

Here’s the deal …

There is busy work that makes you no money.

And then are income producing activities that actually help you earn. These include:

If you are “busy” reading your Facebook feed or constantly checking your email, that does not count as income producing activities.

Reaching out to people about your business and products should be your first focus, followed by helping them understand how your products, services or business can help solve their problems.

2 – Take Your Business Seriously
Viewing your MLM business as a REAL business is one of the most important things you need to do. The majority of people do not succeed in network marketing because they don’t view their business like a real business.

They treat it more like a little hobby and don’t take it seriously. That is a formula for failure.

If you started a traditional business or a franchise, it would cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in startup costs. You would treat it like a serious business, wouldn’t you?

Just because your home business has a low startup of a couple hundred dollars, treat it like any other business if you want to make a huge profit.

3- Make Sure you Love the Products or Services
It would be silly to base your business on products or services that you didn’t love or even like a little bit.

If you don’t love the products, why would anyone else love them?

You may get caught up in the hype over all the potential money you can make without really researching and using the products.

I recommend that you research and use the products (or service) before you explore the income potential.

Building a business with products you love is much more profitable than trying to sell people on stuff you don’t like.

This may seem obvious but people do it! Don’t be one of them.

4 – Don’t Annoy your Family and Friends
If you find your friends and family running the other way when they see you coming, it’s probably because you are persistent in trying to get them to use your products or join your business.

Now, if you want to stay on good terms with these people, don’t do that! Certainly it’s good to let people know what you are doing, but they may not be your target market.

For example, I lead a very healthy lifestyle. If a family member tries to constantly aim their weight loss products at me, I will get annoyed since I am definitely not their target market.

Do some market research and discover what type of people are in your target market and then find them.

Better yet, let them find you using attraction marketing methods!

5 – Be a Good Listener and Present Solutions
Are you so excited about your business and products that you blab on and on to people? Not good! It’s important to be interested in the other person and understand their needs.

No one wants to listen to all the details of your product, especially when you haven’t given a moment to understand if it’s even a solution for your prospect.

Be a good listener and be more interested in hearing what your prospect has to say. Ask questions and find out what their problems are. Only then can you educate and present your offer as a solution.

Starting a network marketing is exciting and can definitely change your life for the better in many ways.