Showing posts with label Network Marketer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Network Marketer. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2020

Do You See Yourself As An MLM Leader?

Have you ever wondered how you can attract people into a Network Marketing Business when you are just starting out? You haven't sponsored many (or any) people, you haven't built much volume of your company's product or service, and worst of all, you haven't made any money. You think you're barely in MLM, much less a top MLM leader. How in the world can you attract someone to your business?

Well first of all, trying to attract someone into your business is the exact wrong way to go about this. How's that again? Be patient; we'll get to that in a minute. Have you ever seen emails or websites or sales pages that promise "the 5 SECRETS of MLM Success!" or something along those lines? The idea is to make people think that MLM leaders have these deep, dark secrets locked in a vault, and they dribble them out only to a select few. Hey, it's called marketing. It happens in every business.

The fact is there aren't five secrets to MLM success. There is only one. And it is only a secret because when some people hear about it they do nothing, and other people take action. Here it is. You don't need an MLM downline team to act like an MLM leader. That's it. Pretty simple.


How can you be a top MLM leader if you have no one to lead? Think about what MLM leaders do. They take their businesses very seriously. They plan their activities and strategies. Their plans are written down. They have large goals made up of smaller benchmark goals. They know how to manage their time. They actually work on and in their business. Even if their office is in their home, they work. They fully understand marketing, sponsoring, recruiting, and how to create customers for their MLM products. They continually further their education. They are persistent. And they know they need a system. Leaders then teach other people how to do the same things they are doing.

Obviously you can't walk in off the street and know all this stuff. Even the best leaders don't know all this stuff. That's why they continually expand their comfort zones and learn new things. And Network Marketing leaders use a system to accomplish all these things. The leader is using the same system as the newest rookie. The system will lay out, step by step, how to attract new people into the system so they may become leaders as well. The system has every marketing concept, every marketing strategy, every marketing tool you will need to create the downline organization you want. The system will show you how to master one step, then move on to the next one.

You see, people are attracted to this system because it shows them how to do the things they need to do to become successful. They can then break out of whatever circumstance brought them to you in the first place. And that's just it. You don't bring them immediately into your MLM company. You bring them to the system which builds credibility and trust in you because you are helping them. Then you find out if they are the kind of people you want in your business. If you brand yourself as an MLM leader who can provide access to the tools of success, your downline team will come. As will the income and time freedom we all got into this business for.


The system is called Attraction Marketing, and it is the way of the 21st century. It gives you the flexibility to do the things you need to do and the ability to do them much more efficiently than ever before. If you use it well, that puts you among the MLM leaders.

Jim is an experienced Network Marketer and an Attraction Marketing mentor.

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Nine Time Proven Secrets Used by Top Money Earners in Network Marketing Today

1 – Network Marketing Professionals Know Their Target Market

You MUST understand your audience best suited for your small business opportunity. You must be in touch with their needs, there inner most desires for change. You must know what drives them to want to better their life.

Knowing the people that would like to lead a different, more satisfying life will help you succeed in network marketing.

2 – They Have Their “Why” Established

This is very important. This is your major driving force, your reason WHY you decided to make a move and become a network marketer. It could be family, financial freedom or even time freedom. Make sure it is strong and you have it written down in a place that you can look at it on those days when speed bumps seem to appear around every corner.

If your ‘Why’ isn’t big enough to keep you driven, then I am sorry to let you know, statistics state that the chances of you continuing on are NOT in your favor.

3 – Network Marketing Professionals Do NOT Chase Family and Friends

One of the first things that most network marketing companies have you do, when you join them, is ask you to create a list of ALL your family and friends so you can reach out to them with your home-based business opportunity. This list of names is known as your warm market.

The worst thing you could ever do for your personal life and friendships would be to make your future meetings awkward. It is suggested to leave your friends and family approach tucked away, for just a little while, at least until you understand proper network marketing prospecting and recruiting better (if you have the support and backing of an experienced network marketer there with you, then go for it).

For some eye-opening and educational teaching, follow the link for the High-Energy & Authoritative Network Marketing Invitation Process – where the secret formula of the Network Marketing Pros will be Revealed!

To make it clear, DO NOT EVER chase, beg, guilt or even attempt to convince anyone, especially your warm market to join your opportunity. When you decide the time is right and your approach is warranted, it is suggested by the network marketing pros to see if your family or friends are open to your home-based, small business opportunity.

The network marketing professional will never chase their family members or friends attempting to convince them that this is the best opportunity to cross their paths since the invention of the wheel.

4 – They Choose ONLY a Couple of Marketing Strategies to Master at a Time

Don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to accomplish too many marketing projects at one time. Like any network marketing business, there is a learning curve to overcome, so be patient and hang in there. It is common-place to get discouraged, but your success will be won through tenacity and perseverance.

See what other successful network marketing pros are doing and learn from their successes. Doing this will cause you to begin mimicking the way that the successful marketing professional acts or thinks. Ultimately, doing this can lead to a higher success rate overall.

5 – The Network Marketing Pro NEVER Stops Educating Himself

YOU must put in the time to work on yourself daily. The top leaders and top income earners in today’s network marketing world are also top learners. These network marketing professionals are avid readers with a daily ritual of self improvement. If you were to research any of these leaders, you will discover that they have a sizable bookshelf of accomplished reading.

Simply put, if you take a look at any one who’s made any significant amount of money in this network marketing industry, you will be assured that they work on their personal development daily and have the library to back it up.

6 – Marketing Pros Include Social Media in Their Everyday Business Activities

Are you still skeptical about the power of social media marketing to aid in the increased the exposure of your business? It has been stated that social media may soon drive MORE traffic to your website than SEO. For more information, follow the link to Insider Information… Social Media May Soon Drive More Traffic Than SEO!

If your online business does not have a social media program in place to help spread the word about your business, then you are missing out. The basis of any good marketing strategy would be to include social media in your daily business activities. There are many locations to begin the building of your business relationships… one good place to start would be to focus on Facebook groups within your niche.

7 – Network Marketing Professionals Stay Consistent

Consistency in network marketing is a must. Create a plan, write it down as a To-Do List and remain consistent. You MUST be consistent in your actions… without actions on a consistent basis, your business will fail.

When posting content, consistency is key. Not only for better SEO rankings with the major search engines, but when your followers see you posting at a certain time, they come to expect it. If you want your followers to remain loyal, you MUST remain consistent.

Even if you are not seeing the results that you want in your network marketing business, don’t give up. Some days will be tougher than others… keep in mind that virtually every network marketing pro had thoughts of doubt at one time or another, but they kept pushing on, which brings me to my next tip.

8 – They Do NOT Ever Quit!

The ONLY way you can ever fail in network marketing is by quitting. This might sound cliche, but it is true. The successful network marketing professional’s of today at one time or another, had thoughts of quitting but didn’t, and that’s why they are where they are now… TOP INCOME EARNERS!

Network marketing does take time, but be assured the Results WILL SOON Follow!

9 – Network Marketing Pros Provide Value to Their Prospects

Listen CAREFULLY… we as network marketers are in the people business “People Don’t Join a Business – They Join YOU!” Learn MORE here: How to Invite Prospects into Your Network Marketing Business.

I’m sure that there is someone in your life that you like, trust and look up to. If this person were to say to use a particular product that will help you shed those last few unwanted pounds, wouldn’t you give it a go if you were told it would accomplish what you desire?

To get to the point… one important way to build trust from your readers would be to provide value-based content that your audience can benefit from. Providing this worthwhile information will create a spellbinding magnetism causing your audience to develop a thirst for more. This action alone will build trust and in turn your readers will begin to like you and look up to you as an authority in your niche.

Over-Deliver as it is said in the network marketing world. If you’ve heard of attraction marketing, you will know that one of the rules that attraction marketing is based on is value, to over-deliver beyond the readers expectations.
